I commonly get asked by other people if they can join with me when I am going to climb a certain highpoint. Often it is by individuals who have been affected by Alzheimer’s in one way or the other, and feel that by joining with me on a particular climb they will further vindicate their personal journey to find a cure. I, of course, am always more than willing to let them come along. I enjoy the company, and it helps remind me that I am not the only one working on raising funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s. It is great to have the chance to talk with other individuals who have been through the same thing, and hear what they are doing to get the word out.
It would be easy to assume that having people me on my climbs is all good, and I wish that I could say that it is, but it is not the case. It not because I don’t like certain people, but rather because I am quite a random person. I love not being tied down by a set schedule, and since I do all of my climbs on my vacations from work (in case you are wondering what I do for work, I run a Bed and Breakfast in Grand Rapids, Michigan; bet you never saw that one coming) my despise for schedules increases even more. My climbs are usually during the day, which means my co-climbers-to-be have other things they want to be doing, and when I tell them I am going to be there Wednesday…ish, I am afraid they think I am trying to blow them off.
This probably all sounds like an excuse, and some of my billion plus followers worldwide (or was it 14?) are going to roll their eyes. It is not supposed to be an excuse, but more of a plea. I will be posting up my schedule in a few weeks, and if you get the chance to meet me at a highpoint, please cut me some slack if I show up behind schedule. Who knows, maybe I had a snipe hunt run late the previous night, and I am running a little slower than usual.
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