Monday, September 14, 2009

What you should know about Clingmans Dome

I really do hope that because of what I am doing, a few of you decide to visit some of the state highpoints. Even if it is just your state, it is an enjoyable thing to do as well as a step out of the ordinary. Since there are numerous books and articles describing nearly every aspect of getting to a highpoint, climbing a highpoint, and what to do after going to that highpoint, there is little value in me reciting what you most likely already know.

However, on each highpoint that I visit, there are a few things that I find that I really should have known before I went. Out of interest of helping you, I wanted to pass them along.
There is a road that leads you pretty close to the top of Clingmans Dome, so the hike itself does not take very long. The drive, however, takes about an hour because there are many other cars on the road. Take note that you will not be averaging much more than 20 miles an hour, so allot time accordingly.

Second, it is about a 60 mile round trip from the closet gas station to the summit and back. Not too far, but still far enough to make you really regret running out of gas. Most of the time there is no spot to pull off, so a stalled car would cause you all sorts of verbal abuse from everyone who gets stuck behind you. Don’t try the drive with a ¼ tank.

Finally, if there is any way you can be a passenger, rather than a driver, go for it. While your driver is white knuckling in and out of switchbacks (make sure you trust their driving) you will be gazing at amazing views all the way up. Driving though the mountains is fun, but sometimes the views trump it.

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