Cotton - A lightweight, moisture absorbing fiber. No other fabric offers the comfort and feel of nature's own fibre. It's breathable, washable and biodegradable too. Generally though 100% cotton is not recommended as a sock material for walking. Cotton absorbs sweat, dries slowly, providing no insulation when wet and this may lead to discomfort and blisters. However, cotton is extremely comfortable and when combined with wool or other wicking and insulating fibres, cotton blends can be a great choice for light walking in summer. In my personal experience, don't wear cotton unless you can change into a clean pair that night. It also feels really gross when put them on after trying to wash them on the trail.
Silk - A very smooth, soft and moisture absorbing fibre. It boasts a high tensile strength and acts as a natural thermal retainer that does not conduct heat. Although comfortable and lightweight it lacks durability and is mostly used in liner socks for it’s wicking ability. I really like silk for sleeping at night in the summer. It isn't that warm, and if you stick your foot out in your sleep, is helps stop mosquitoes.
Wool - The original, easy care fibre. Each wool fibre is made up of millions of "coiled springs," that stretch in use, but coil back to their original positions. It features inherent qualities such as warmth when wet, cushioning, shape recovery (resiliency) and it breathes with your body. It can be knit in various weights to provide increasing levels of insulation for every temperature. Wool yarn, when knit into a thicker sock, tends to be bulky and lofty. Air becomes entrapped and it becomes an ideal insulator. Wool socks also keep feet drier because wool absorbs as much as 30% of its own weight before it begins to feel damp.
Unfortunately, wool can take a long time to dry and it can be scratchy/uncomfortable next to your skin (many new wool options, including merino, do not have this problem). It can also wear out quickly if not reinforced with other materials. Wool blends (combinations of wool and synthetic materials) are extremely popular because they address many of these problems. Merino wool is hands down the best. In case you have been holding back because you don't believe it is worth the money, buy a pair and try them. You can wear it all day, slosh it around in a stream, dry it out, and it feels clean going on in the morning. Yeah, it is that good.
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